Tips and tutorials

Tips and tutorials

Video Snippet: Analytics

74 views November 29, 2023

In this video snippet, we take a look at our Analytics features and dashboards. Want to learn...

Tips and tutorials

Video Snippet: Machine Learning

59 views November 29, 2023

In this video snippet, we take a look at what machine learning is, how its used within Dooap, and...

Tips and tutorials

Video Snippet: Substitutes

125 views November 29, 2023

In this snippet, we discuss the substitution feature. Making it easier than ever to have a...

Best Practices

How Automation Accelerates Invoice Approvals

97 views November 29, 2023

Breakdowns in the invoice approval process can result in late payments, upset suppliers, and more...

Best Practices

3 Foundational Pillars of AP Automation Success

51 views November 29, 2023

Here are key foundational pillars or accounts payable automation success that is introduced with...

Best Practices

4 Things the C-Suite Loves About AP automation

49 views November 29, 2023

Here's how to make a business case for your executive team about AP automation.

Best Practices

3 Key Ingredients for a Business Case for...

47 views November 29, 2023

Here are the most important elements to include in your business case for accounts payable...

Best Practices

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Automating AP

40 views November 29, 2023

What is the state of your AP process? Here is what you should consider before selecting a tool to...

Best Practices

Are Your Email Workarounds Really Working?

39 views November 29, 2023

Nowadays AP teams are relying on email to manually route invoices as many teams continue to work...

Best Practices

New Ways of Working

43 views November 29, 2023

Some of the biggest concerns AP leaders have about the way they are managing their accounts...

Best Practices

Unearthing the Treasure Located in Invoices

38 views November 29, 2023

Automation enables accounts payable teams to dig into data and gather important insights into...

Best Practices

5 Signs it's Time to Automate Accounts Payable

76 views November 29, 2023

Have you evaluated your AP process recently? It's time to take a closer look and take the next...