Machine Learning
Best Practices
How can AI improve Accounts Payable processes?
Dooap uses Machine Learning to capture and validate new invoices, and assists with ledger coding,...
Basic digitization or complete automation...
With many departments operating remotely, AP software has been put to the test. For those using a...
Machine Learning
Indianapolis AXUG Meet - AP Automation with...
Dooap presents on AP Automation with Machine Learning at the Indianapolis AX Usergroup meeting on...
Machine Learning
Accounts Payable with Machine Learning
Mikko Hytonen, CEO of Dooap, an AP Automation company located in Austin, TX presents on accounts...
Webinar: AI, ML, & RPA in Accounts Payable
Microsoft Dynamics World hosts a webinar featuring Dooap's CEO, Mikko Hytonen, discussing AI, ML,...